Mom’s heartaches

She, the working woman, was once again suffering from motherly heartaches of not leaving her daughter at home and go for her work. It’s not that she was leaving her and going for her job for the first time, but it was quite different today. She had started with a project that was nearing the deadline and still lots of work was yet to be done. Being the team leader, at times, it gets tough to get the work done from juniors without being present there. Moreover, that is too unprofessional, unethical and ultimately affects your reputation. 

It’s not that she doesn’t prioritise her daughter, rather it’s for her only that she opted for such projects which has the deadlines but not fixed 9 to 5 jobs. As this was the time of the mid-term exams of her daughter, she waited for her exam schedule to give her final words to her office colleagues. But now, because of some issues, one of her exams was postponed to the second day of her visit. The tasks of revising her syllabus for exams, sleeping without Mum’s good night kiss, getting up in the morning, getting ready for the school and much more seemed too much for the little girl and just increasing her ambiguity. 

She thought of postponing the meeting but then , she couldn’t; as she had undersigned the notice of compulsory attendance with presentations for all the staff. Her mind had become the arena for various thoughts and she was packing her bag very unwillingly. At this moment, her mind was all shut.

Her thought process was terminated by her phone’s ring. She picked it up even without looking at the screen for the name of the caller. The voice on the other side was quite familiar, of one of her friends whose daughter is of the same age as hers. They had a normal chit-chat. And in this state of bewilderment, she mumbled her situation. After she finished her sentence, she realised that this was perhaps not at all the topic they were discussing. As this was all of sudden, her friend didn’t start with any motivational lecture and just said one sentence ‘before they hang up the call, which led her wide awake. 

Finally, she decided to work with double strength, dual shifts and finish all her tasks in one day and got  back just by  the goodnight-kiss-time of her daughter. Her daughter is undoubtedly her priority and above all, she can defeat the useless ‘worry-demon’ by her strong positive thoughts and management skills. 

Many of us face such situations in our lives, where a word said by someone let you get out of your thought-trap and go ahead. Thanks to this friend and all others , who genuinely advise others. 

Share  your thoughts and also, the piece of advice , as this might help fellow readers. 


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