Is she really my Sister-in-law?

She was sitting in her bridal attire in her new room. The tiring rituals of wedding were over and most of the relatives of her new family were gone. Only Akash, his parents and his sister , who had been married for two years was left. 
The anxiety of entering the new world and relations was increasing with each passing second. The storm of thoughts into her mind was making her more uneasy..but at the same time she was happy to be with the love of her life..Akash. Amidst all this, she couldn’t make out when did she fall asleep and it had been lunch time. Akash had well-informed her that the lunch is served at 2 in the noon and everyone has to be there on the dining table by then. 
She was at loss now...continuously thinking about the reaction of her elders specially her mother-in-law. She was upset with Akash also, he should have got her up in time.  With all this chaos in her mind, she got up from the bed, made her hairs and looked into the mirror for having a perfect daughter-in-law look on her face. She was extra cautious for being courteous and presentable to her new family. 
While making all the efforts to drag smile onto her face, she started towards the stairs, very consciously and quietly. As she reached the dining table, she noticed that everybody was done with lunch. The used dishes were taken away and only one set of clean utensils and the food in the casseroles was waiting for somebody..perhaps her only. There was no much noise around, but just the whispering..!! She was trying to make out whose sound was it..and she heard her name. By now, she was much closer to the kitchen. Now , she could clearly overhear the talk.. the talk of the two females who were already there in Akash’s life...who had to share Akash with her..her mother-in-law and sister-in-law. She had heard many different stories of these relations , and all negative. So, she too was a bit nervous for these relations. 
And the much louder whispering was specifying her..her sis-in-law was telling her mother to remember that Bhabhi is an independent, modern lady who has been the only girl of her parents. She must be having her own aspirations and dreams for the family, the house and these new relations. She’s new to this house and not aware of the set of rules of this house. Give her some time to know, learn and deep into our household system. And, please do not compare her to yourself or me. Let her uniqueness brighten this home and her be the other daughter of this house.  Let her be bhai’s support and move ahead in life.  

She was standing there in a daze. It seemed to her that whatever she had heard about these relations was wrong. She was wondering if she’s really her Sister-in-law? She wanted to run to her sis-in-law and hug her for being so understanding and solving the misunderstandings which never come up. What all she did was , she entered the kitchen and did foot wish to her mother in law and hugged her sis-in-law tightly and said millions thanks in her mind. They gave her the blessings and asked her to have her lunch. She was more confident and easy at her own home now.


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