Be imperfectly perfect, girl!

Have you ever felt strange about the things you see in front of yourself? I was sitting all shocked  in my chair..with my name and post-chief administrator- on my desk. There was a post for internal recruitment advertised few days back. All the applications were put forward me by HR Manager and I was having look at it to short list the candidates. I found only 20% of the applicants were females and rest were males. Don’t take me wrong... I’m not against this ratio but the fact was that the males who barely scored enough to meet the criteria had applied and the females who scored almost 100% in all essential requirements had applied. This was not for the first time; rather in most of my recruitment sessions, this scenario was repeated. 

When I tried to analyse this, I found the most common
reason given by female staff was that they didn’t find themselves perfect for the post. While, enquiry from the low-scoring male applicants showed that they were okay with rejection but wanted to take a chance. Then, the other day the scenario of the board meetings also repeated the same story.

The results of all high and senior secondary schools show girls outshining the boys..but in the top positions of the career, the male dominating picture is present. Where do all these girls go? Are all of them , with or without consent, forced to get into the family front.. or is there something else?? 
Let’s assume this argument to be correct, for a second.. but what happens to those who are working? Why don’t they dare to go ahead and seek for the more?.. (All of you may not agree with me, but I’m sure the ones who deal with Human Resource’s department will surely agree. )

The basic point that concerns me is to find if we are not making any mistake in parenting, that’s  coming in their way?  Are we raising our daughters to play so safe in their lives, that they might be staying away from something big that they deserve? Big things can be achieved by thinking out of the box, by doing the things that others are not doing, This uninvitedly welcome risks with them..risk of being imperfect, risk of losing something!! We are so engrossed in teaching our kids playing safe to be perfect in life that we forget to introduce them to the fine line of demarcation that must be crossed to be proactive. 

Our parenting frames the attitude of a kid ...which may be to stay perfect or to mend the rules to go higher. Perhaps, this is what is lacking in general in our society, holding our girls back from trying to achieve what they actually deserve. Let all of us help at least one female colleague or friend of ours to break the false inhibitions around her mind and at least try to get her deserving role in the firm or society.


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