Who’s the culprit for the failing grades?

It was after so many days that she looked into the mirror keenly and what she found was the plumped face while trying to hide her post-partum belly with her saree and hurriedly getting out of the dressing room to give instructions to her maid about the care of her new baby. It was after so long that she was going to parents teacher meet of her daughter. She was excited to meet her teacher and hear the same applause that she used to hear earlier. 
Her daughter was also glad to find her mom to be hers..only hers, like before. The little girl was excited about the new baby’s arrival but with the passage of time, she found her parents to be busy with the new baby for the very obvious reasons. But today, she was at cloud nine to be with her parents, just three of them. 
In the meantime, they reached school. The little girl wished her teacher and introduced her mom to the teacher, as it was their first meeting. The teacher handed over her grades and the mum was  disappointed with the results. The teacher complained about the little girl’s behaviour with her peers and unattentiveness in the class. All this was so embarrassing for the little girl’s mommy and she thought of slapping her for all these complaints. She was angry at her personal tutor as well, whom she had hired for her. She started back to home from school, all of them very quiet and angry. 
As soon as she reached home, she had a look at little baby, who was sleeping in his bed. She decided to look at the little girl’s bag and notebooks. It was then, she questioned herself Who’s the culprit for her failing grades? Are these the grades of little girl’s academic performance or her own parenting skills? Then, she realised that the failing grades were not of her daughters, but hers n her parenting skills. She had been busy into the health issues in her pregnancy and looking after the new-born that she put everything else at the backseat. Although her daughter had always been into her thoughts and she had been giving her replacements also, like private tutor for studies, a maid for her household chores, better toy games and many more things...but these were, perhaps not enough..not enough for her daughter!! These were merely the things..to kill the time. 
She could now clearly view that the little girl needs something else...her parents’ love n affection and the time. 
She discussed this with her husband and made the much required changes into their lives and the next day, when the little princess came back from school, she found her mom waiting for her, much more available to her with all the love and they got back into their a-year-back routine and all lost in giggles and laughter. 


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