
Should I follow my heart?-1

While working on the same project Nitin saw her for the first time and he could feel that She was her lady. He couldn’t take his eyes off her and everything she was doing , was making him fall for her. He had met so many ladies in his life as friends, colleagues, etc but this was much different. The dark deep mascara-laden eyes were so captivating, the sharp features of hers were complementing her wheatish complexion. The cherry on the top was the sweetness of her voice and her attitude towards her colleagues and work. He found her a perfect person with blend of modern and traditional values.  By the passage of time, they became good friends and started spending time together at work. They used to discuss about their families, responsibilities, hard times, good times, and much more. She told her how hard it was for her mother to raise her and her younger brother while working in a private firm. And how she wants to help her back by making her brother independent financially

change your ways to see the change

Who’s the culprit for the failing grades?

It was after so many days that she looked into the mirror keenly and what she found was the plumped face while trying to hide her post-partum belly with her saree and hurriedly getting out of the dressing room to give instructions to her maid about the care of her new baby. It was after so long that she was going to parents teacher meet of her daughter. She was excited to meet her teacher and hear the same applause that she used to hear earlier.  Her daughter was also glad to find her mom to be hers..only hers, like before. The little girl was excited about the new baby’s arrival but with the passage of time, she found her parents to be busy with the new baby for the very obvious reasons. But today, she was at cloud nine to be with her parents, just three of them.  In the meantime, they reached school. The little girl wished her teacher and introduced her mom to the teacher, as it was their first meeting. The teacher handed over her grades and the mum was  disappointed wi

Is she really my Sister-in-law?

She was sitting in her bridal attire in her new room. The tiring rituals of wedding were over and most of the relatives of her new family were gone. Only Akash, his parents and his sister , who had been married for two years was left.  The anxiety of entering the new world and relations was increasing with each passing second. The storm of thoughts into her mind was making her more uneasy..but at the same time she was happy to be with the love of her life..Akash. Amidst all this, she couldn’t make out when did she fall asleep and it had been lunch time. Akash had well-informed her that the lunch is served at 2 in the noon and everyone has to be there on the dining table by then.  She was at loss now...continuously thinking about the reaction of her elders specially her mother-in-law. She was upset with Akash also, he should have got her up in time.  With all this chaos in her mind, she got up from the bed, made her hairs and looked into the mirror for having a perfect daugh

Mom’s heartaches

She, the working woman, was once again suffering from motherly heartaches of not leaving her daughter at home and go for her work. It’s not that she was leaving her and going for her job for the first time, but it was quite different today . She had started with a project that was nearing the deadline and still lots of work was yet to be done. Being the team leader, at times, it gets tough to get the work done from juniors without being present there. Moreover, that is too unprofessional, unethical and ultimately affects your reputation.  It’s not that she doesn’t prioritise her daughter, rather it’s for her only that she opted for such projects which has the deadlines but not fixed 9 to 5 jobs. As this was the time of the mid-term exams of her daughter, she waited for her exam schedule to give her final words to her office colleagues. But now, because of some issues, one of her exams was postponed to the second day of her visit. The tasks of revising her syllabus for exams, sl

Be imperfectly perfect, girl!

Have you ever felt strange about the things you see in front of yourself? I was sitting all shocked  in my chair..with my name and post-chief administrator- on my desk. There was a post for internal recruitment advertised few days back. All the applications were put forward me by HR Manager and I was having look at it to short list the candidates. I found only 20% of the applicants were females and rest were males. Don’t take me wrong... I’m not against this ratio but the fact was that the males who barely scored enough to meet the criteria had applied and the females who scored almost 100% in all essential requirements had applied. This was not for the first time; rather in most of my recruitment sessions, this scenario was repeated.  When I tried to analyse this, I found the most common reason given by female staff was that they didn’t find themselves perfect for the post. While, enquiry from the low-scoring male applicants showed that they were okay with rejection but wa

What am I?-2

Out of the love of her baby, she sent her resignation letter to Sabrina, her manager, who was one of her best buddies. Sabrina called her up and tried to convince her to give her decision a second thought and extended her leave for a week with the hope helping her out in this difficult moment of her life . But, she herself could not dare to change her decision . Perhaps, she was looking for the hand of somebody else..whom she loved a lot, whom she expected to be by her side and stand up with her.. to give her the courage to overcome her anxiety and fears and ready to share the responsibility of ‘their’ baby. She was feeling all alone, surrounded by fierce darkness all around... So, she went with her decision and very unwillingly, for the sake of her child, she left the job. It was difficult for her to stay at home everyday but it was her daughter that kept her busy. Gradually she got used to it, but somewhere deep in her heart a void was left. At the beginning of each month, th