Must have habits for the kids

Every parent want their kids to be well-mannered and earn appreciation in the society, perhaps, because the kids are thought to passively reflect their parents’ attitude and personality. Etiquette and manners can not be built over the night, rather it takes continuous efforts for years to establish good habits in the children. There are countless such manners that frame kids’ attitude , following few are must for them to stay good and healthy.

1 Hand hygiene is most important for kids that can prevent them from falling sick every now and then. Washing hands properly before and after meals doesn’t take much time but indirectly can boost up their growth and keep them ahead. 

2 Taking proper balanced diet at fixed times will act as catalyst to their development and keep their energy levels higher to stay ahead in whatever they do.

3 Dental hygiene is another vital factor to take care of. Bad breath can be embarrassing and unhealthy for the kids. Brushing teeth after meals, at least twice daily can keep up the pearly white teeth shining and enhance beauty of their faces. 

4. Kids should be made aware of the fact that they should use tissue or kerchief to cover their mouth while sneezing and coughing. This act will prevent others of falling down with flu and of course, make your kids well- mannered.

5 Help your kid to unhook themselves from the digital world and get into real action. Encourage them to opt for playing outdoors to have good health and better social values like team work.

6 Nothing is better than the habit of reading books  for anybody. Good books are great investments and the power of a good book can never be under estimated in any conditions. Books will enlighten their path always. 

7 Toilet etiquette is something which is very less found in people. Kids must be properly trained for them and they should be kind enough to leave the toilet premises in the proper state for others’ use. Flushing and maintaining own hygiene is utmost important.

8 Being polite and kind is a great virtue. Kids must be taught for these. Here I don’t deny the importance of saying NO , but that should be done genuinely and politely.


Dear parents ,remember that kids gain most of their habits and etiquette at by observing you. Live life by an example and your kids will automatically gain those good habits. 

Kindly add on to the list in the comments box for the betterment of the kids of fellow readers. 


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