Life is not fair with everyone...rather I should say life has its own sour-sweet taste for each one of us and we all have all kinds of thoughts or rather no thoughts at times! If at one phase of time we feel so elated and satisfied that life seems so meaningful to us; at some other times, we get so negative that we may want to end ourselves up. And it’s your attitude-positive or negative-that comes to play then. Your attitude and of course actions during all these good and bad times help to build you, your reputation and your image. The bestest part of this ATTITUDE is that we can consciously shift it to either side. Our complex system of brain works on the very simple process of thought. Conscious change in thought process can help us to see fullness in the glass. This do take time and efforts, but will-power rules upon everything, including US.

Before going ahead, it’s essential to know if negativity can harm us?...Why?? Whom??How??Unfortunately, the answer is YES. Negative thoughts is worse than addiction. The viscous circle of negative thoughts become a puzzle and one starts feeling false pleasure in this and never want to get out of this zone where his ego is satisfied. In this whole process, he doesn’t harm anybody more than himself. The researchers have shown that all this adversely affects your mental, physical and social health and hence, your family. This much should be enough to go ahead and read till the end of the article. Hereby, You ll get few never-to-miss keys to happy you and happy family

The first and foremost thing is to realise that you are a negative thinker ...may be in a very particular circumstance or in  extreme cases, in each hour and relation of your life.  If you have known this, half of the job is done. 

Next step is to consciously alter your thought process and feelings from negative to positive. Watch each and every new thought of yours and filter the negative ones. Start looking for the positivity in your situation and focus on it. This is perhaps the toughest step to follow. Wipe out the negative thoughts at its very start and see beyond it for the light of positivity. Few might disagree with me here, but negative attitude is in no ways going to help in any scenario of life. 

Simultaneously, analyse yourself, your weaknesses, your fears, your anxieties and your strengths genuinely. You may write it down for the ease and start working on them one by one, through a meticulously prepared plan. Stay consistent in your efforts and you ll see the results soon.

Practice positive affirmations daily. Begin your day with these affirmations and repeat it whenever possible through out the day. All these together will boost your morale and confidence and you ll be well-equipped to face the life and be happier person. 

Try to present yourself beautifully inside out. Treat yourself as the one you always wish to be and liberally express the beautiful aspects of your personality. Be kind to others, show gratitude more often, appreciate every little thing you find worth -appreciating. Practice this genuinely and religiously and see the magic. 

Surround yourself with the positive people..those who don’t constantly find faults with you..those who aspire you to do what pleases you..

All these will ultimately turn out the best and the happiest version of yours ,  who ll be able to create magic in their families and this society , giving a better environment for the future generations.

Your valuable experiences in your life where your attitude helped you to achieve something are welcome , which will help me and fellow readers to gain and be a better us. If you find this article helpful for any of your near n dear ones, feel free to share it with them. Only then, the purpose of writing this will be accomplished. 


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