
Showing posts from August, 2018


Life is not fair with everyone...rather I should say life has its own sour-sweet taste for each one of us and we all have all kinds of thoughts or rather no thoughts at times! If at one phase of time we feel so elated and satisfied that life seems so meaningful to us; at some other times, we get so negative that we may want to end ourselves up. And it’s your attitude-positive or negative-that comes to play then. Your attitude and of course actions during all these good and bad times help to build you, your reputation and your image. The bestest part of this ATTITUDE is that we can consciously shift it to either side. Our complex system of brain works on the very simple process of thought. Conscious change in thought process can help us to see fullness in the glass. This do take time and efforts, but will-power rules upon everything, including US. Before going ahead, it’s essential to know if negativity can harm us?...Why?? Whom??How ??Unfortunately, the answer is YES. Negative

Must have habits for the kids

Every parent want their kids to be well-mannered and earn appreciation in the society, perhaps, because the kids are thought to passively reflect their parents’ attitude and personality. Etiquette and manners can not be built over the night, rather it takes continuous efforts for years to establish good habits in the children. There are countless such manners that frame kids’ attitude , following few are must for them to stay good and healthy. 1 Hand hygiene is most important for kids that can prevent them from falling sick every now and then. Washing hands properly before and after meals doesn’t take much time but indirectly can boost up their growth and keep them ahead.  2 Taking proper balanced diet at fixed times will act as catalyst to their development and keep their energy levels higher to stay ahead in whatever they do. 3 Dental hygiene is another vital factor to take care of. Bad breath can be embarrassing and unhealthy for the kids. Brushing teeth after meals, at l

Me-time for mommies: what and why?

Being mommy is the greatest blessing of one’s life. Since the news of baby-on-arrival pops up, every body in the family is elated with joy. Mom-to-be is taken care of like never before and the nursery n all other baby’s stuff is prepared to welcome the lil bundle of joy. But once the baby arrives, the need to make up with the baby ‘s requirements become the priority. The sleep, the health of new mom is all changed..and yes.. it should also be changed because the baby is responsibility of her parents. The new parents should do their best to take care of the baby, even if they have to make changes into their routines at least till baby gets adjusted to this new world and sleep pattern. Most of the moms opt to stay back home till their baby becomes toddler or start going playschool.  All these changes bring lots of stress and anxiety into a mom’s life. To save your sanity and have a sense of purpose to yourself other than being a mom, you should explore your areas of interest an

What am I??

She was sitting in her lawn, sipping her coffee and trying to forget her last night fight. The fragrance of coffee took her back to the days when she was in college. She fondly remembered the bubbly and fun-loving girl inside her , who used to be the favourite of her teachers, friends n most importantly, her parents.  Her parents were elated with joy to see their daughter in black robe on the convocation day..and finally felt proud in being the parents of a lawyer daughter. They had an electric atmosphere when it was her first day to her office. The sense of achievement she saw in her parents eyes was most satisfying. After few months, when she decided to go for higher studies in corporate law, every body accepted it gracefully. But her mother had a point of doubt , which she discussed openly in her family. She was looking beyond the professional life..the personal life of her daughter. She said what Mrs. Bhatnagar had said her the last evening. She din’t want to force her de

Give an ear, my son!

Dear son, Holding you into my arms,I wish you to be very successful into all you do in your life. You'll outgrow my lap in no time & march onto your life's path. I promise you , I'll never stop you from being yourself and come into your way & perhaps, be the happiest person to see you growing. But would love to ask you , to never leave your gentleman-attitude ever through -out your life's journey. Being a boy doesn't give you a right to do whatever you want to. Though the society is patriarchal, but I want you to realise the value of women into it. I know, this is not intuitively known to you and I 'll have to teach you these values explicitly. I'll teach you to respect a girl's wishes & boundaries. Charity begins at home & I'd like you to respect your sister in every possible way and show this in every smallest act. Always remember, a girl is also a human being, has feelings of her own & has the right to